
To use jadegit for existing systems, the following steps need to be carried out to initialize the source code repository.

Create Repository

Make a new folder and initialize a new bare repository using git init.

Extract Schemas

As the extract can take awhile, it's recommended existing schemas be extracted from a backup of production systems, taken after the last code release.

All existing schemas can be extracted using the following commands. The extract command stages changes in-memory until they're committed. Schemas may also be extracted more selectively using a specific regex and/or list of schema names.

Initial Commit

Once schemas have been extracted, the changes staged need to be committed using the commit command.

Remote Push

Once ready, the local repository needs to be pushed to a remote repository developers can clone.

This depends on setting up a new remote repository using your preferred platform (GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps). Once created, it can be added to the local repository and then pushed to.

Last updated